PwnSquad code of conduct

We used to have a large list of rules in Discord. Nobody reads those. So here, in long form, are the rules of PwnSquad and associated events and communication.


We will warn, kick, or potentially ban you for not following these. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to any staff member via direct message.

  1. Swearing is allowed, but don't go overboard. "It's just a joke" isn't a valid excuse.
  2. Our server is not a marketplace. Attempting to buy or sell anything, especially exploits and programs, is not permitted.
  3. We can help you learn things about cyber security and the likes, but nothing illegal or against Discord's TOS is permitted.
  4. We strictly prohibit encouraging self harm or suicide. That includes telling people to kill themselves jokingly.
  5. Don't advertise. Feel free to share projects! Just use your brain and avoid server invites, referral codes, or anything non-beneficial and commercial.
  6. Don't abuse glitches in Discord or other platforms, and don't try to "hack" anyone otherwise.
  7. Do not include characters that are not easily typeable on a US keyboard in your username/nickname.
  8. Discrimination based on age, nationality, race, (dis)ability, gender (identity or expression), sexuality, religion, or ANYTHING ELSE is not allowed. In any capacity. Period.
  9. Unwanted sexual advances or derogatory remarks are not okay in any way. Furthermore, try to refrain from using terminology that may be considered NSFW and/or make others feel uncomfortable. We realize everyone communicates differently and this is hard, so just do your best and we'll talk to you if something comes up. Context matters.
  10. Any sort of spam, especially in the form of image/gif reposts aren't permitted either. While usually it's in good spirit it makes chat hard to read for others and pushes past messages up.
  11. Use a trigger warning when posting anything which may be triggering to others. This is especially pertinent in #venting. More information is below.
  12. Be thoughtful in how you communicate.

Kindly keep topics in their respective channels. If it doesn't fit into #programming, #hacking, or #lang-debate, please use #other-topics. Keep memes to #memes. General chat goes in #lobby.

Trigger warnings

Please use TWs (trigger warnings) to protect others from content that may make them feel uncomfortable or worse. Everyone will thank you.

How to properly TW a post:

This system is not for circumventing the rules. For example, you can't say something NSFW or advertise just because you used a CW or TW. Use common sense :/

Things you should TW:

Things you should not TW (and aren't allowed):

Reporting issues

We hope nothing comes up, but we understand things happen.

These are the available venues of communication:

We take everything serious seriously. Don't be afraid to contact us. We're here for you.


We took inspiration from Hack Club's amazing CoC which in turn is based on many others.