Repl talk responses

Imo we need to be more accountable while moderating repl talk posts, so I've been replying with versions of these messsages after unlisting/editing posts. They can also work as warning messages with some tweaking.

Also, I'm replacing advertising comments with [ link redacted by moderators for advertising ] instead of deleting them.


Hey, we've unlisted this for now because it looks fairly low-effort. If you edit the description to add more info and/or add more to the code, reply to this comment and I’m happy to relist it!

Keyboard mash

Hey, we've unlisted this because it appears you had a stroke while writing it. If you edit your post, reply to this and I'll relist it.


Hey, we've unlisted this post - this is an English-only forum :)


Hey, please try to be kind and respectful to fellow replers!


Hey, I edited your post to improve the formatting a bit. Good luck!

Write code for you

We won't write code for you, please try to ask smaller questions and figure out the rest on your own. I've unlisted this for now, but if you want to edit the post feel free to reply this this commend and I can relist it!


Hey, we unlisted this because it looks like you plagiarised PERSON_OR_POST, I'm happy to relist it if you add more code to make it a separate program, and/or add prominent credit to the original author.


Hey, we've unlisted this post because it seems to be unrelated to programming. Please reply if you think we made an incorrect decision!