WWDC 2020 notes

Since I now have a way to distribute my writing and stuff, why not share my shitty notes on WWDC? This is not a writeup.

Fancy globe intro!

Intro song

"Innovations" shut up with this bullshit.

Tim Cook is at least talking about George Floyd but to my ears they sound like empty words. It's never been more apparent that he's reading from a script.

"Profound impact our products have had" what a bitch. I suppose iPhones are gonna solve our crises. Fuck Apple. FUCK APPLE.

That was a very rough segue into talking about how great WWDC is.

iOS 14

Interesting, it's called iOS 14 and not iPhone OS 14.

They added widgets to the home screen. It's copying Android, but at least the introduced it with a catchy video! They also introduced the "App Library" which is also pretty much copying from Android's app drawer but with more organization.

Confirmed, when you hold on the home screen it's officially called JIGGLE MODE 😂

You can now hide home pages as well, through jiggle mode. Widgets in today view now have different sizes as well.

For some reason I feel like the widget feature is going to be a source of many glitches. Also, there's a widget called the "smart stack" that's basically just a widget with multiple other widgets that you can swipe through.

They finally added picture-in-picture, which has been in Android for years. Boy, this just seems like catching up. But that's every iOS release. "Innovation."


New visual interface? They basically copied Google Assistant - Siri no longer takes up the entire screen and instead shows up at the bottom. Either way, nobody really uses Siri. I'm guessing they didn't make voice recognition better.

"20x more facts" how tf do they measure that?

On-device dictation was brought up but I'm not sure if that's new. Apple made a Google Translate competitor called Translate, that works on-device. Interesting, I bet there's gonna be some controversy soon. Looks decently well-designed though, if not a bit too minimal.


You can now pin conversations?

Memoji are lame, first of all. They added more hairstyles, and fask masks for coronavirus.

They added inline replies (like slack threads) as well as mentions. I wonder how this will work with non-iMessage devices? God, we need a universal messaging standard.


"Apple Maps is a formidable rebel to Google Maps" wow that's an attack

They added curated guides, similar to Google's latest feature.

You can now choose to avoid stairs, and they added a cycling feature which genuinely sounds cool.

They added routing for electric cars, and Apple Maps can now track your car battery somehow. Looks like it only works for BMW and Ford vehicles, not Teslas or anything else.


They added new wallpapers LOL.

Also, you can unlock and start your car with an iPhone, starting with a BMW car. Uses NFC. This feels very hackable. NFC emulators and such.

You can also share car access with others. Apparently they're making a standard for this? I doubt it'll be shared with Android.

App Store

Are they gonna address HEY?

Introducing app clips, which are basically mini-apps that load quickly. This feels a lot like WeChat mini-programs crossed with PWAs. App clips don't show up on your home screen, but they do show up in the new app library.

You can tap on NFC tags to open app clips, which is pretty cool. Each app clip has to be less than 10mb in size. Apparently this is huge? Just feels like websites, but reimagined by APPLE.

iPadOS 14

Does anyone actually use augmented reality and/or ARKit? Especially on iPad.

"Magical sheet of glass" hahe

Cool, same widgets from iOS. The Photos app has a new sidebar? Not sure why this is innovative? Also copying from Google Photos lmfao.

LMAO they're calling dropdown menus innovative. THEY'RE DROPDOWN MENUS. BRUH!

They added sidebars and dropdowns to other apps too. The Music fullscreen view is sexy tho.

There's a new incoming call screen that appears at the top as a notification, and not as a giant overlay. They copied this directly from Android as well. We've had call notifs for years.

They added a Spotlight clone to iPadOS, really pushing the fact that it can be used as a computer. It can't.

Introducing Scribble, meaning you can draw with a Pencil and it'll convert it to text. We've had third party keyboards and apps for this for years, but innovation I guess. Shapes and lines in Notes will also be cleaned up if you hold on the screen after drawing them. You can also select text which is interesting.

Interesting, you can write directly into text fields with Scribble. THAT's pretty cool. It also works with multiple languages. Interesting. You can also copy/paste text from Notes.


They'll now automatically switch devices when you pick them up. Sounds more annoying than useful, I'm the kind of person who listens to music on my phone and uses other devices to work. I hope you can turn it off somehow!

AirPods Pro are getting "surround sound" but it looks pretty lame. Kinda cool that it preserves the location in space with accelerometers but that feels like it'll be buggy.

The presenter looks like a robot. And her name is Mary-Anne.


Apps can now expose multiple complications, which has been missing.

You can share watch faces. This is stupid.

DANCE WORKOUT!!! LOL. Just Dance: Apple Edition

"Advanced sensor fusion" bruh moment

The Activity app is now called Fitness, because INNOVATION. Also known as Google Fit.

Wind Down to help you go to bed. Also copied from Android.

Automatically detects hand washing with machine learning, and tracks how long your're washing. It'll yell at you if you don't wash for long enough haha.


"Privacy matters now more than ever"

Sign in with Apple = lock in, and now it'll even bug you to to convert your existing accounts to Apple. Apps now have to ask beore tracking you, I bet this will be enforced verrrry selectively. Pretty sure Android has also had this for years.

Nothing else new.


They open-sourced HomeKit, and are partnering with Amazon and Google to create some sort of universal standard? I doubt HomeKit will ever get Nest or Android support, but I guess it's worth wishing for.

Automations, which we've had with Google Assistant for ages. Adaptive lighting will change the light colors dynamically over time?




This looks very N E U M O R P H I C. They made new sounds! That's kinda cool. New UI looks sexy as fuck. New finder icon is creepy to be honest.

macOS looks like iOS now. New dock and icons and everything. Looks like a fucking Avdan concept.

Menus have more padding and rounding. Control center on macOS? This is going to feel modern but really weird to get used to. Not sure if I'll like it. Notification Center is less intrusive and doesn't have a dedicated icon. We get widgets from iOS too, not gonna use these. They look like Windows Live Tiles.

Messages is lame, not gonna take notes. Same with Maps. C'mon talk about something interesting smh.

Safari now has a private report button, and checks passwords. Copying Brave and 1Password. WEB EXTENSIONS API SUPPORT POGGERS! FINALLY! Still, fuck Safari. Nobody likes you.

That's it? That's all? God damn it.

Custom Apple chip for macOS

I agree with Linus Tech Tips that they're probably going to improve the cooling with the new chips so they seem a lot better than Intel. I'm one of the conspiracy theorists who thinks that they've been purposefully bottlenecking existing machines.

Universal 2 allows for interoperability. Microsoft Office and Adobe CC should work without issues. Will us developers have to update our apps? How can we test without buying a new mac?

Rosetta 2 works to emulate existing architectures for non-native apps, looks pretty smooth.

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